Sunday, March 27, 2011

How do you know if someone is using you?

They only call you when they want something.
Always ask to borrow money or things.
Often calls to complain about their lives and never ask about you.
The conversations are often one sided. (about them)
They always want to go to your place and use your things.
They only get together with you when it's convenient and you provide all the transportation.
They never call you on your birthday or offer small gifts for holidays, but expect you to buy them things and call them.
Always want to use your computer, phone, DVD player, etc.
Always on their cell phone when you are supposed to be visiting each other.
They never call you unless it's about one of the reasons above.

These are some of the most common ways to figure out if a "friend" is not being a true friend and are using you.

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